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I.want.that.one 3:02 Mon Aug 29
Scamacca is Haller mk 2
Not a thread to dig the lad out at all but his body language wasn’t encouraging today.

He showed some good touches and with time he will be able to handle the prem but it’s too similar to Haller who had all the attributes to thrive in England.

It’s more our style of play which has been based on Antonio literally doing the job of two players. Antonio is a beast at running the channels, chasing down the keeper, backing into defenders and holding the ball up whilst linking the play.

The only solution I can see is playing them both with Antonio in the 10 role. We’ve pretty much just bought the Italian version of Haller.

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southbankbornnbred 10:08 Tue Aug 30
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
It’s a moot point as to whether Haller was a “bad” player. Clearly, he has talent.

But what is certain is that he was too often a “can’t be arsed” player for us. He very obviously did not enjoy the pace and intensity of the Premier League, or it’s physicality.

It’s still a lung-bursting and painful league, and you have to be prepared to push yourself in ways that are physically uncomfortable. In England, that’s often the difference between being in the right place at the right time. Too often, Haller would not do that in games - and it showed, for example, when we all saw him jogging ten yards behind the pace of the game as we broke forward. I rarely saw him breaking his back to get into the box and attack the ball, or press defenders.

And that’s why he failed here and why someone like Antonio was preferred at CF.

The Haller signing didn’t work, but he’s long gone and good luck to him elsewhere. We should not be comparing Scamacca to Haller - different player and the big fella looks like he might like the physicality of the Prem.

ATHammer 10:34 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
Haller was never a bad player, Moyes didn't play to his strengths and fucked him off. His record before and after us, albeit in lesser leagues, speaks volumes. Scamacca has similarities, but the shape of the team is hopefully changing, Paqueta isn't going to run around like a headless chicken and neither will Scamacca. Moyes will need to shape the team to these guys strengths rather than try and shoehorn them into formations like at Villa on Sunday. No cunt looks good playing like that. There is a real test of Moyes presented by these signings, I.E. getting the best out of talent rather than effort. I hope he succeeds.

Side of Ham 10:07 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
I think this was intended to point out that Moyes better not leave the new fella isolated like Haller ended up. We don’t want him left frustrated every game due to stupid formations that don’t play to his strengths.

chim chim cha boo 9:59 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
What is it with some of you cunts wanting every fucking player to have big grin on their faces while they play for us? He's a fantastic player for all to see, from his intelligent runs into space to his lovely cushioned headers put into dangerous areas (once the rest of the players get onto his level), sorry he doesn't have a big gormless grin on his face like your dog does when he chases a ball in the park.

scott_d 7:23 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
Works harder than Haller did and stronger than Haller was.

Antonio's all-round game including workrate has nose-dived in 2022 so hopefully Scamacca can grab his chance.

OneAll 6:54 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
you said you didnt want to dig him out yet commented on his body langauge lol ? yes we have to play more in to his style but there was nothing wrong with his body language

OneAll 6:53 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
his little flick for the one 2 with soucek was class , we have needed this for so long has to start every game , antonio always better off the bench anyway

OneAll 6:52 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
are you a paid actor ? what a terrible fucking post

I.want.that.one 6:49 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
I really wasn’t trying to dig the lad out. Just pointing out Haller was good enough for us but the way Moyes’ tactics rely so heavily on Antonio, it makes it almost impossible for anyone else to shine in that position. No doubt he has quality but if he seemed so frustrated so early in a game it’s not a great sign. Maybe it was knee jerk.

Crassus 3:02 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
I really like the lad, he has a Kane aspect to his game but as S'Bank says, we need runners off the defender, akin to Song
Incredibly frustrating that he was hooked and only then did we cross the ball, one I can still see, bang on the spot with Bowen trying to head a ball 6 inches above him, Smacker would have buried it
I also agree with Penters, the potentially dangerous similarity with Haller exists, not in style but their treatment by Moyes - square pegs round holes
Just play to the blokes strengths
Finally, in mitigation, Moyes may be considering the congested fixture list and trying to conserve him and Antonio, hence not playing them both

Coffee 2:35 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
goose 2:04 Mon Aug 29


Oh, and welcome to the ranks of the Royal Society of Pedants.

Coffee 2:35 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
goose 2:04 Mon Aug 29


Oh, and welcome to the ranks of the Royal Society of Pedants.

lab 2:26 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
I think the bloke needs more service which with the first half set up he wasn’t getting . It would also help if passing wasn’t a MASSIVE problem at the moment .

Charoo 2:19 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
Scammaca is an excellent Centre Forward

arsegrapes 2:14 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
Agreed and we should all let him know it against the 4 x 2s by singing "Are you Haller in disguise?"

goose 2:04 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
You mean that Haller who is a really decent player that we didn’t utilise better?

Btw I think you’re confusing ‘comparing to’ with ‘likening to’.

twoleftfeet 1:57 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
Comparing him to Haller.

Some proper thick cunts on here.

He looks like a really decent player, just needs Moyes to utilise him better.

southbankbornnbred 1:43 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
If I was to hazard a guess (and that’s all it would be so early), I’d say he’s going to be more robust than Haller.

He doesn’t seem intimidated by the physicality of the Prem, which seemed to worry Haller. Scamacca seems to like a bit of contact. I hope he gets shedloads for us. Let him settle.

Barty 1:43 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2

yngwies Cat 4:36 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
Sorry mate. Sure your nice fella, but Fuck Off.

ray winstone 1:37 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
I’m not sure the internet was invented for this sort of shit.

BRANDED 1:37 Mon Aug 29
Re: Scamacca is Haller mk 2
If he is he’s massive

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